Monday, November 19, 2018

Famous Last Words: I did EVERYTHING???

It's official! This is my last assignment for week 13! I realized (a little too late) that I was WAY behind on point, so for week 13 I did everything. Yes, everything. All of the normal work as well as all 8 extra credit assignments. I'll be honest, I didn't know if I was gonna be able to pull this off. I'm going to have to do the same for week 14 as well as the extra dead week assignments in order to pass the class, but I'm optimistic! All of the stories and portfolios/storybooks I read this week were fantastic. I'm so proud of how far everyone in the class has come. Myself included! Who would've ever thought that I would be successful(ish) at running a blog? Who knows, maybe I'll start up a personal blog after this class. We'll see.

As far as my plans for this coming week, I'm honestly just ready to be home in Maryland for a bit. My flight leaves at 5:05am Wednesday morning, which I'm not excited about. I also haven't even started packing yet 😅. Unfortunately it looks like I'll have quite a bit of homework to do over break, but none of it is too terribly difficult. I have one test today on Monday and two quizzes (in the same class) on Tuesday this week before I get to leave. My Italian teacher tried to move our test to Tuesday too, but thankfully that got shut down. Especially since it's a Monday/Wednesday/Friday class anyways!

My adorable friend Alyssa, who was awesome enough to
agree to drive me to the airport at 3am on Wednesday.
Source: Personal Photo

The reason I had to use the grace period for my extra credit assignments this morning is because last night was the initiation ceremony for my sorority. I took a little this semester, so it was definitely a proud mama moment.

I don't necessarily want to leave this class, but I'm kind of ready for this whole semester to be over. Bring on Week 14!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jessica !

    Congrats on pushing yourself on finishing all of the work and getting your extra credit work done as well! I am also a little behind myself but I believe a few restless nights will make up the work. I am taking 18 hours and it is whooping my tale. I hope you have a safe ride back home! Don't forget to enjoy some quality time with your family! They matter just as much as school! I tend to struggle, finding a balance between school and family
