Monday, October 8, 2018

Week 8 Reading and Writing

The reading and writing assignments so far have been working great for me... when I remember to do them. I'm a little (read: a lot) behind on the points for this class. It looks like I'll have enough time to earn what I need before the end of the semester though. Yay!
So other than the lack of content, I'm pretty happy about how my blog turned out visually. However, the portfolio website is still a work in progress.
Thus far, the Khasi folktales have given me the most inspiration for my stories. That was also the first unit where I solidified my reading notes strategy. I make two bulleted lists per story. One contains a summary of the tale and the other is just a list of brainstormed story ideas. A key piece of advice to anyone still struggling with their reading notes: only take notes on the stories that inspire you! Read through them one at a time. If an idea comes to mind, type it out. If not, move on and read the next story. This cut my time working on a set of reading notes from 4 hours down to 1.5!
I didn't want to have two posts in a row with the same picture, but the image from my week 7 story is my absolute favorite!
In the Eyes of the Creator by Melinda Rathnayake
via Flickr
The amount of detail work in this picture is insane! I absolutely LOVE the coloring, and the fact that this was hand drawn makes it even more amazing.
Going forward, I just need to focus on prioritizing my time better so that I actually complete my assignments. Best of luck to everyone in the second half of the semester, both in this class and your others. You got this!

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